Desert Bloom on KNPR 88.9

Tune in to Desert Bloom on KNPR 88.9 to hear from Norm Schilling, the Las Vegas valley’s favorite desert gardener!


Norm_100x100-607539Desert Bloom airs every Tuesday at 5:33am and 7:33am, and again on Saturdays at 8:35am.

Norm co-hosts the show with Angela O’Callaghan. Angela is an Associate Professor at Nevada Cooperative Extension and a Specialist in Social Horticulture.

Click on the links below to listen to Norm’s recent Desert Bloom recordings

Windy Day  | April 13, 2015 
What’s the effect of wind on our yards? Norm Schilling takes stock of the impact of the last week’s high winds in the Las Vegas Valley. Listen here

Desert Natives  | March 19, 2015 
With spring in full swing Norm Schilling reviews the desert natives that inhabit his yard. Listen here

Selective Pruning  | February 14, 2015 
Norm Schilling guides gardeners to keep up as Spring approaches. Selective pruning will keep things on track in the yard. Listen here

Prepare for Spring Now  | January 21, 2015 
Don’t look at the calendar. Look at your plants to tell you what do to in the yard right now. Your plants think Spring is near, so use this time to transplant and prune. Desert Gardener Norm Schilling tells us what to look for. Listen here

Winter and Citrus  | December 30, 2014 
Citrus can thrive in Southern Nevada – even in our cold – when you choose the right varieties. Norm Schilling tells us how. Listen here

Prepare Your Plants for Cold Weather  | December 6, 2014 
It’s not cold . . . yet, but Norm says be ready and your yard will appreciate it. Don’t let a cold snap cost you your investment in plants in your yard. Norm Schilling has some ideas to get ready. Listen here

Fall Colors  | November 14, 2014 
Even in the desert, Fall colors can brighten your landscape. Here’s Norm Schilling with Desert Bloom.  Listen here

Fall Colors – Web Only Edition  | October 28, 2014 
With glorious weather for our yards to fall back into bloom, Norm has some additional suggestions for color to add to the profusion of blooms for this time of year. (Web-only content) Listen here

Second Spring  | October 7, 2014 
Calling it a “second spring” Norm Schilling has some plant ideas to make Fall colorful in your yard. He has a checklist of plants looking their best, because now is the time to plant in Southern Nevada. Listen here

Desert Heat  | September 15, 2014 
Norm describes a significant casualty of the desert heat. There’s going to be a big gap in Norm’s Yard and a lesson on the reality of our desert landscape. Listen here

Lose that Lawn  | July 28, 2014 
We know, it’s a desert out there including every place there’s a lawn. Norm Schilling reminds us all the ways he wants you to consider losing the lawn… permanently. Listen here

Palm Care, Part II  | July 10, 2014 
To keep, or not to keep. Norm Schilling ponders his palm trees, on this edition of Desert Bloom. Listen here

Palm Care  | June 10, 2014 
Norm Schilling has mixed feelings about how we use Palms in our yards. Full grown palm trees transplanted into the entry way of a mall is a common sight that tells Southern Nevadan’s “something” is nearly open for business. He reminds us that those palms come with challenges. Listen here

Desert Color  | May 20, 2014 
Norm Schilling just got back from Belize and has some ideas for lush leaves in your desert yard. He reflects on some well suited plants to provide color and variety in this edition of Desert Bloom. Listen here

The Right Plants  | Apr 22, 2014 
Our current warm spell gives the impression that some plants can thrive when they aren’t really suited to our desert. Norm Schilling has some examples below. Listen here

Spring Garden Party | Mar 24, 2014 
Spring is here and the garden is blooming . . . so invite some friends to enjoy the rewards of gardening! Listen here

Signs of Spring | Feb 26, 2014 
It may be February, but if you are paying attention, signs of Spring are visible in his yard. Dwarf peach and Mexican plum trees are in bloom. Vibrant Red Spraxis can be seen among the falling Almond blossom. Listen here

Investing for Spring | Feb 04, 2014 
Temperatures are scheduled to stay cool this week, but Norm Schilling finds his yard is ready for Spring. He reflects on techniques to keep older trees healthy even as the surrounding yard may change. Bigger, older trees may need more water. Listen here

Leave the Leaves | Dec 31, 2013 
Just because most of the leaves have fallen from the trees, it doesn’t mean you have to rake them all up. Norm Schilling says it’s better to use the leaves as mulch to protect the plants and make rich soil. Some woody plants can be pruned now, while others should wait another month or two. Listen here

Winter Watering | Dec 03, 2013 
After a recent rain and cold snap this week, Norm Schilling has you covered to figure out watering at this time of yearListen here

Fall Color | Nov 5, 2013
Our second Spring is in full bloom. Norm Schilling shares his favorite plants that are bringing color to the yard right now. Listen here

Fall Pruning and Mulching | Sep 30, 2013
Pruning for aesthetics and mulching for rich soil quality are on his to-do list before he gets started in earnest on fall planting. Listen here

Sacred Datura | Sep 3, 2013
Sacred Datura is a native, but poisonous, desert plant that offers stunning blooms. Often seen at the side of the highway, it’s found a home in Norm’s yard. Listen here

Casualties of Summer | Aug 6, 2013
Ever the optimist, Norm finds something to learn from the casualties of summer. Listen here

Agave | Jul 9, 2013
Agave is well suited to our desert climate. Norm Schilling shares his collection. Listen here

Protect Your Plants | Jun 11, 2013
Your plants will tell you if they can’t take the heat. Listen here

Fixing the Winter Damage | May 14, 2013
Vines and vexing questions dating back to Winter with Norm in the yard. Listen here

Fruits and Vegetables | Apr 2, 2013
Norm Schilling enjoys the sights and smells of citrus and has tips on planning for a fruitful garden and veggie patch. Listen here

Norm’s Spring Bloom Checklist | Mar 5, 2013
March is underway. Norm has notes on what your yard is telling you it’s time to do. Listen here

Norm’s To-do List | Feb 12, 2013
Despite the chill today, signs of Spring are reminders of timely chores. Listen here

Fixing Freeze Damage | Jan 19, 2013
The freeze is over, but at what cost to your yard. Listen here


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